FOAMed stands for Free Open Access Medical Education. Medical education for anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Life In The Fast Lane is the ‘original’ FOAMed blog and this is how they describe the movement:
‘FOAM is a collection of resources, a community and an ethos. The FOAM community spontaneously emerged from the collection of constantly evolving, collaborative and interactive open access medical education resources being distributed on the web with one objective — to make the world a better place. FOAM is independent of platform or media — it includes blogs, podcasts, tweets, Google hangouts, online videos, text documents, photographs, facebook groups, and a whole lot more’
We think it’s time the UK Paediatrics community joined in.
**disclaimer** – The information found on this site is the personal opinion of the authors, and is intended to educate and interest, rather than direct clinical management for specific patients.
** Interested in joining us as a writer? Drop us a line at ** was created in 2016 by members of the IT subgroup of the London School of Paediatrics Trainees committee.
Katie Knight, Mark Butler, Susannah Pye, Priyen Shah.
Consultant supervisor: Dr Jonathan Round
As of 2019, the PaediatricFOAM team consists of: Dr Katie Knight – Consultant supervisor and lead editor; Subeditors Dr Matty Rubens, Dr Lizzie Wortley, Dr Ken Wu
excellent web site with easy good explanation of complex topics
Great post. Thanks for sharing it 😀
excellent website, very educational and easy to understand.
I will use it in my classes
It is an excellent resource for Doctor.