Here we open up our archive of online resources from all over the world…
some are primarily aimed at doctors but we have also included a load of reputable sites that are excellent recommendations to make to parents who want more information about their child’s condition.
General – for Paediatricians
- RCPCH e-Learning RCPCH approved collection of high quality resources on a range of subjects. Disability, FGM, Healthy child programme, vaccines in practice, meningitis and septicaemia, substance misuse, musculoskeletal problems, prescribing and more.
- Paediatric Care Online – an online resource supported by the RCPCH. Includes a number of quality resources, over 100 ‘Key Practice Point’ decision support tools, RCPCH’s Child protection companion, PHE’s ‘green book’ on immunisation (requires registration – free to RCPCH members)
- Spotting the Sick Child An interactive online tool commissioned by the Department of Health and Health Education England to support professionals in the assessment of acutely sick children. Great for anyone new to paediatric emergency medicine.
- – An enormous resource on conditions, investigations and treatments, with sections for the public as well as professionals. The professional resources require registration but are free. There are masses of educational resources, quizzes, cases, slide collections, videos etc. The site is American and some details may not translate to other settings, but very useful nevertheless.
- NHS choices website has only limited paediatric focused resources, but has some very good sections including on sleep and healthy eating that provide clear plain language advice for parents and families.
- Women and Children’s health network (south Australia) some parts are specifically linked to the Australian health and care system, but there are loads of resources for families and children. The resources go from pregnancy to young adulthood and are written in age appropriate language.
- Royal Melbourne Children’s Hospital Australia clinical guidelines
- Online guidelines from Starship Childrens Hospital in Auckland (New Zealand)
- British dietetic association, great resources for parents on allergy and diet
- MedsIQ – For sharing medicines safety resources – see our article on medication safety here
- Comprehensive set of clinical guidelines for Neonatology from Auckland district health board (New Zealand)
- Stanford University Neonatal Medical Photo Gallery Effectively an online textbook of over 600 images with associated description – the best resource we have found for both pathological and normal findings during examination of the newborn.
- Neomate – An app rather than a website, but incredibly useful – quick calculations for resucitation and emergency management of newborns, drug doses, equipment sizing, cooling criteria and more (search via appstore on apple or android)
Infant Feeding Support
- GP Infant Feeding Network
- First Steps Nutrition
- The Breastfeeding Network – Drugs in Breastmilk – Need to know how much of a certain medication is excreted in breastmilk? Email the helpline with as much information as you can –
- Breastfeeding in hospital support and information for families in hospital with children who are breastfeeding
- Formerly known as The Cardiff Child PrOtection Systematic REviews project (CORE INFO), the College has taken over the systematic reviews, rebranding these as Child Protection Evidence systematic reviews. This evidence-based resource informs clinical practice, and contains high quality information on child protection procedures and professional and expert opinion in the legal system.
Mental Health
- MindED A huge e-learning resource on the mental health of children and young people. MindEd has sections for families as well as professionals, from novices to experts. The information provided is quality assured by experts, useful, and easy to understand.
- NHS Live Well An information hub offering young people advice and help on mental health problems including depression, anxiety and stress
- Young Minds is a charity exclusively supporting mental health for children and young people. They are involved in policy and advocacy but also run a free helpline for parents.
- The Mix – The UK’s leading support service for young people under 25. They offer advice and support on issues from mental health to money, homelessness, employment, sex and relationships, drugs. They are accessible online, via social media, or a free, confidential helpline.
- No Panic – A charity for those affected by anxiety disorders, phobias and OCD. They operate a free youth helpline for ages 13-20 and have some good online resources. Full membership, to get access to additional support requires payment of a fee (currently £25 annually).
- National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network – a phenomenal amount of data at a Local authority and CCG level
- Atlas of Variation – primarily related to adults but with decent section on maternal and child health. Very impressive, well presented data on regional variations in healthcare.
Image libraries
- Radiopaedia thousands of images and cases
- DermNet New Zealand thousands of images and CPD modules
- Primary care Dermatology society – has a very useful diagnostic aid for rashes and skin lesions, browse by location, appearance or history
FOAMed Sites (apart from us of course!)
- Don’t Forget The Bubbles The leader in paediatric FOAMed – predominantly Austrailian, but with an increasing UK presence. The site is frequently updated with high quality articles, and contains very useful sections on Xray interpretation and ‘the bubble wrap’ a monthly round up of useful articles for paediatricians. The also organise an annual conference.
- Paediatrics for Primary Care – in-depth pieces on common paediatric problems, through a lens of logic and evidence based medicine.
- Paediatric Pearls – monthly pdf roundups, gathering together bite sized updates for paediatricians.
- ALIEM Academic Life in Emergency Medicine – an amazing example of how online collaboration can develop. This (USA-based) site started as a educational blog, and has developed into among other things, a system for endorsing and ‘quality assurance’ for FOAM resources, a library of point of care reference cards, thousands of articles on clinical as well as non-clinical topics, hundreds of podcasts, a series of online educational modules, a leadership and faculty development program for Emergency medicine residents and much more.
- (and associated app & podcast) – online free-to-access videos on paediatric & neonatal intubation; other FOAM topics on caring for the critically ill child on the website and podcast.
Condition specific
- Contact A Family – lots of practical support and advice for families of children with disabilities (also has a free telephone helpline) – they have an excellent directory of condition specific support groups.
- The Migraine Trust – information on all kinds of headaches – useful handouts and headache diaries
- Migraine Action – particularly good information and support for young people with migraine.
- International Classification of headache disorders – a detailed internationally agreed taxonomy of headaches.
- Asthma UK – asthma information, factsheets and personalisable action plans, with specific resources for children and young people
- Epilepsy Action – good handouts and specific resources for children and young people
- Epilepsy Diagnosis
- Purple Crying – An American site on inconsolable crying/colic – practical and helpful
- STARS – Syncope and reflex anoxic seizures trust – good resources for families
- ERIC – Enuresis, continence and constipation resources for professionals and families
- InfoKid – Kidney disease resources for families and professionals
- HEADSMART – campaign by the brain tumour charity to support early diagnosis of brain tumours – resources for patients and professionals
- SWAN UK – (Syndromes Without A Name) is a charity set up to support children and young adults with undiagnosed genetic conditions and their families.
- SCOPE has resources related to a range of disabilities and has masses of practical advice, from dealing with schools and benefits to storybooks featuring characters with disabilities
- National Autistic Society lots of resources from diagnosis and beyond
- Over The Wall A charity which runs free, therapeutic recreation camps for children from 8-17 years with serious illnesses or disabilities. They are able to accommodate a wide range of children, including those with significant needs, (check website for criteria). They are also always looking for volunteers!
- NeuroSymptoms – A brilliant resource for patients and parents of children with functional neurological symptoms. It gives helpful consistent advice and has links to further resources.
- Ichy Sneezy Wheezy – “everything you need to know about allergies” – a comprehensive resource for professionals and the public, endorsed by RCPCH.
- Cows Milk Allergy Guidelines – Aimed primarily at GPs with clear resources and guidance for the management of cow’s milk protein intolerance, changing feeds, reintroduction etc.
Professional bodies for clinicians interested in children’s mental health
Speciality groups and special interest groups associated with RCPCH
Association for Paediatric Palliative Medicine
Association of Paediatric Emergency Medicine
British Academy of Childhood Disability
British Association for Adoption and Fostering
British Association for Child and Adolescent Public Health
British Association for Paediatric Nephrology
British Association for Community Child Health
British Association of General Paediatrics
British Association of Paediatricians in Audiology
British Association of Paediatric Surgeons
British Association of Perinatal Medicine
British Congenital Cardiac Association
British Inherited Metabolic Disease Group
British Paediatric Allergy, Immunity and Infection Group
British Paediatric and Adolescent Bone Group
British Paediatric Neurology Association
British Paediatric Pathology Association
British Paediatric Respiratory Society
British Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Rheumatology
British Society for Paediatric Dermatology
British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes
British Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
British Society for the History of Paediatrics and Child Health
Child Protection Special Interest Group
Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group
Clinical Genetics Group
Clinical Pharmacology Special Interest Group
George Still Forum – National Paediatric ADHD Network Group
International Child Health Group
Paediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/MR Special Interest Group
Paediatric Educators Special Interest Group
Paediatric Haematology Subcommittee – British Society for Haematology
Paediatric Intensive Care Society
Paediatric Mental Health Group
Paediatricians with Expertise in Cardiology Special Interest Group
Remote and Rural Paediatric Special Interest Group
Visual Impairment Special Interest Group
Young People’s Health Special Interest Group
Such a great collection of information in one place.well done team